Wisconsin drive-in show this September and new video update
Hello, Beatallibangers! At Beatallica H.Q., we have been quite busy.... Definitely happy to announce a new show that is coming up quickly! Friday, September 25th, we will be doing a drive-in show at ACA Entertainment/North Coast Center for the Arts in Brookfield, WI. Beatallica has the whole event so we will be playing two shows, one at 6 p.m. and one at 8 p.m. Each show will have its own set list and costuming so you can stay for both sets and get your fill!
Tickets are on sale now per the venue, sold per carload no matter how many Beatallibangers you can fit into your '70s VW Bug, and available here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2686415591609682/
There is a limit on the amount of cars allowed in so we can pertain to social distancing.
You can sit outside your vehicle to watch the show or stay in your vehicle and listen to us on FM. Food, beer, and wine trucks plan to be at the event for concessions. You can also pick up Beatallica merch at the show.
This is our only planned show for the whole year so don't miss this! Thanks to Matt and Thea at ACA for arranging this and inviting us to be a part of the event! Rain out date, if needed, will be on Sunday, September 27th.
Head Beatallicast hesher, Hair Vveber, has been a gem in helping us with new video. The clips will be debuted on our #ivoted program to be shown on Tuesday, November 3rd. We are anxious to get them out to you all! The program will feature new video and some old clips as well. You can check out Beatallicast, courtesy of Vveber and Murph Dawg here: https://www.facebook.com/BeatalliCAST-483947624969120
We all know this has been a crazy year. As always, we appreciate you guys standing by us and supporting Beatallica in whatever way you can! We are hoping to have some new material before too long and we are looking to stay active on that creative front throughout the late summer/early fall.

Stay well out there, wherever you may roam....